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History of pps UNSRI–Palembang, Indonesia

The initial effort to establish the Graduate Program was made through the formation of a task force by the Decree of the Rector of Sriwijaya University Number: 3793/PT11.1.1/C.6.f/1994 which was signed by Prof. Dr. Amran Halim as the Rector on the 4th of August 1994. The core team members of the task force consisted of Prof. Dr. Zainal Ridho Djafar as the chairman, Dr. A. Hamid as the secretary, and Dr. Ir. Syarifuddin Ismail, Dr.Ir. M. Faizal, Dr. Ir. Benyamin Lakitan, Dr. Ir. Rujito Agus Suwignyo, Dr. H. Nangsari Ahmad, and Dr. Waspodo, as team members. Educational activities commenced at the Graduate Program of Sriwijaya University since 1996, shortly after the issuance of the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education (DIKTI) for the establishment of the Magister Program of Plant Science (Number: 469/Dikti/Kep/1995) and the Magister Program of Agribusiness (Number: 469 and 470/Dikti/Kep/1995).

Whereas, the initial effort to establish the Doctoral Program (S3) was made through the formation of the committee of the arrangement of the Doctoral Program in the field of Agriculture in accordance with the Decree of the Rector of Unsri No: 2045/PT11.1.1/C.6.f/2000 which was signed by Prof.Dr. Zainal Ridho Djafar as the Rector of Unsri on the 24th of May 2000. The core team members of the committee consisted of Dr.Ir.E.S.Halimi, M.Sc. as the chairman, Dr.Ir. Munandar, M.Agr., Dr.Ir. Daniel Saputra, M.Sc., Dr.Ir. Dedik Budianta, M.Sc., Dr.Ir. Andi Mulyana, M.Sc., and Dr.Ir. Suparman W. Kusuma as team members. Whereas Prof.Dr.Ir.H. Benyamin Lakitan, M.Sc. and Dr.Ir. Rujito Agus Suwignyo, M.Agr., function as resource persons. Educational activities of the Doctoral Program (S3) commenced in 2001 based on the Letter of permit issued by the DIKTI Number: 2346/D/T/2001 for the establishment of Doctoral Program in the field of Agricultural Sciences.

Furthermore, an initial move of the establishment of the Doctoral Program at Unsri was characterized by founding of the Building of Doctoral Program (S3) whose fund was obtained from the budget of the Provincial Government of the South Sumatra for the year of 2003. The campus of the Graduate and Doctoral Programs of Unsri formerly was educational facility of Sriwijaya University which was obtained from the Contribution of the Foundation of Panti Darma Husada which was led by Mr. H. Ibnu Sutowo (the late). Its ownership was then transferred to Unsri on the 1st of November 1980 in accordance with his letter dated October 22nd 1969 in response to the letter of the Governor of the South Sumatra Province No.Sekr. 13/502 on the 27th of May 1969.

The students of the Graduate Program of Unsri comes from various public and private universities, governmental and non-governmental institutions, and individual and self-funded participants. At present, the Graduate Program of Sriwijaya University manages 17 Study Programs which include 14 master programs (S2) and 3 Doctoral Program (S3) (Table 2) with the statistics of the number of students and graduates/alumni of the Graduate Program of Unsri as follows.

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